Bearing Witness

End Australian Support for the Illegal Blockade of Gaza

Dear Prime Minister,

In early November 2011, we wrote to your Government demanding
immediate action, to:
1. Pressure the Israeli government to unconditionally release and
facilitate the safe return of Michael Coleman and all political
2. Demand the release of the Tahrir and Saoirse along with all
personal property, as well as compensation for damages incurred by the
act of piracy that the Israeli government committed on the high seas.
3. Ensure that Israel ends its illegal blockade of Gaza to enable
freedom of movement for people and goods.”

Five days after the Tahrir was attacked in international waters and
Michael, all other passengers and crew were abducted, he was released
and ‘deported’ to Australia via Bangkok and Melbourne.

On 28 November 2011 we received a woefully inadequate response from
Samuel Allen (Acting Director, Levant and Iran Section) of the
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in which no answers were
provided to our principal demands for action.

The Australian Government’s response to the act of piracy committed by
the Israeli Government against the unarmed flotilla that Michael
Coleman was aboard has been pitiful.

Your regurgitated comments about practical support and partnership
agreements are mealy-mouthed apologies, which are grossly inadequate
and disproportionate for the Palestinian people whose land has been
stolen from them by the actions of the ever-expanding Apartheid
Israeli ‘state’.

Providing drip feed of ‘aid’ is not the solution to the plight of the
Palestinians and the injustices they experience in Palestine and in
forced exile. Your ‘travel advice’ that Australians should not attempt
to travel to Gaza by sea is cowardly. The Australian Government should
be working with other countries to aid the people of Gaza who demand
an end to the blockade and with it their ability move and trade

All governments, including yours, must hold Israel accountable for its
defiance of international law with regards to the ongoing collective
punishment of more than 1,600,000 Palestinians in Gaza, half of whom
are under the age of 16 in what is effectively the world’s largest
open air prison.

Instead you persist in platitudes to the Israeli Government and
business interests who continue to make their money from the theft of
Palestinian lands. Indeed we found your recent attendance at and
speech to the Australia Israel Chamber of Commerce extremely offensive
when Palestinian people are denied freedom of movement and trade.

We contrast your Government’s actions with the visit to Gaza last
month by Deputy Prime Minister Eamon Gilmore from the Irish Republic
and his statement demanding an end to the blockade.

It is because of the continuing inaction of governments, including the
Australian Government that ordinary people feel compelled to act.

When our delegate sailed to Gaza, he did so in the firm belief that
the blockade of Gaza by the Israeli Government is illegal and inhumane
and should end without delay. In this appraisal we believe that we
have the support of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the
UN Human Rights Council, the International Committee of the Red Cross,
and numerous other human rights organisations.
We consider that our assets – the Tahrir, of which we hold a one-tenth
share, medical aid we were transporting to give to the people of Gaza
and our personal belongings including a satellite telephone have been
confiscated illegally by the Israeli Government.

We urge you to actively support our demand that the Israeli Government
reloads our medical supplies and our personal belongings and other
assets onto our boat and allow us to sail it to Gaza without delay.

We look forward to hearing back from you soon with a considered,
positive reply that repositions Australia on the right side of history
and international law, and alongside the overwhelming majority of
countries in the world who will not support the systematic abuse of
Palestinian people and their human rights.

Yours sincerely,

James Godfrey
Free Gaza Australia

February 16, 2012 - Posted by | Media | , , , , , ,

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